Saturday, March 27, 2010


I bet you think this is going to be about those stupid horseracing contests they have poolside in which you bet on and root for a wooden horse to win the race. But, guess again.

We have a much better betting system going here aboard the Splendour of the Seas (fondly referred to by us locals as SOS). Mike and our waiter, Roderick bet each night about what time the Brazilians that sit at the large table along side us will arrive. Near as we can figure after a week of sitting beside them there is Grandma and Grandpa who arrive first each night, dressed in their finest. They are short in stature but big in heart, stopping each night on their way in to wish us "Bom Noit" or good evening. Sometime later the next group to arrive at their table is a thrityish woman and one yer old son, Romeo, although pronounced Homio. (That took us awhile to figure out, but someone explained to us why they kept calling the little dude Homeo, a name we couldn't fathom). Most nights she is accompanied by a man we assume to be her husband, who always sits beside Grandma and is the spitting image of the old lady minus twenty-five years and adding about half a foot to her petite little stature. We have always assumed he was her son and the woman and child were his family. Finally, always last to the table, sometimes by even an hour or so, another Grandma aged woman and a younger version of her. These two we have wagered were the mother and sister of Homeo's mother. With me so far?

They sit at a table for ten, but it is only the seven of them. Given that Brazilians do not eat at the horrid hour of 7:00 PM this group had to have it explained the first few nights that 7:00 meant 7:00, and if they could not arrive on time their meal selection would be limited to entree and dessert. Well, from then on it has been a running bet between Roderick and Mike about what time they would arrive to dinner.

Take for instance tonight. We arrived fashionably late at 7:10 to find Roderick working the dining room door, greeting guests as they arrived and making sure they knew where they were going. When we showed up (his first guests) he walked us to our table and pulled out our chairs to help us get seated. Then, the bets were placed. Mike bet 7:20 for the grandparents. 7:40 for the parents and 8:10 for the in-laws - all bets that have served him favorably on previous nights. But, as 7:20 came and went and the table sat empty, Roderick was serving us starters and feeling pretty confident. One point for Rederick, zero for Mike. Just as my watch showed 7:40 I let Mike know he was losing a second point, and who should show up but the grandparents and the parents.... point Mike. Roderick acknowledged that it was a one-one tie as he left to help them into their seats. They discussed the possiblity of a shoot-out or other tie breaking methodology. Of course by then, we were eating our entrees. Roederick came over to talk to Mike about dessert and Mike, who has a clear view to the doorway, told him he expected the in-laws within the next minute. Roderick was surprised that Mike could guess that accurately. Wise to Mike's tricks, I knew that meant they were coming in at that very second, and called the point a "cheat", which with a quick confirmation, broke us all up into fits of laughter. So, we ended tonight a tie, although Mike still feels that Roderick owes him four or five dessers. Hard to believe he could owe us more when he brings three or four a night.

So, as we left the dining room they placed their bets for tomorrow. They discusssed mitigating factors such as whether the clocks were going to be moved forward again as they have been for the past two days (definately makes it harder to get up for an early dinner when the clock lurches forward an hour at noon), whether tomrrow was a brunch day or breakfast day (brunch allowing you to skip one meal out of fourteen offered that day and increasing the liklihood that you might be hungry at 7:00 PM), etc. So, we have something to look forward to for tomorrow....will Mike win extra desserts for us or not!

BTW, the chocolate hazelnut torte, catalan brulee and sugarfree apple flan with a side of vanilla ice cream we had today were awesome. Go Mike, go!

Love you,


Leanne said...

This is SO much more fun that that horse racing thing with the wooden horses! But.....what does Mike owe Roderick if he loses? Does Mike have to serve Roderic dessert? I'd like to see Mike in a funky 'all nation' outfit, lighting a baked Alaska and then serving it. GO Mike!!!


Mike Handron Jr said...

That's awesome dad! I guess this is what happens when you don't have any football to watch :-)