Tuesday, March 16, 2010

On the Road Again!

We are sitting in the Sleep Inn in Albuquerque watching television and catching up on our computer work...an auspicious start to our trip. This is a discount trip.... a $500 cruise, frequent-flier airfare, etc. and this little $49 hotel fits the bill. Our Colorado neighbor recommended this place, because in addition to the spiffy room, free Internet and hot breakfast, we can park in their lot for the month we are gone for $2 a day. A bargain.

The most expensive aspect of today was the speeding ticket Mike received after the county sheriff going the other direction on the highway did a u-turn to chase us down. Crime: traveling at 83 mph in a 70 zone. Thankfully New Mexico doesn't charge big city rates and this infraction only set us back $65.

We left our Colorado home this morning at 10:30, after completing our packing, loading the car, sweeping the house, cleaning the frig and throwing out everything that wouldn't survive five weeks of absence, paying the final bills and all of those finalities. I maintain a checklist of things that we have to do when we move from one house to the other (forward/stop/hold mail, stop newspapers and garbage delivery, change netlfix delivery, change the phone so that it knows where we are, etc.) We got birthday cards in the mail for our daughter and daughter-in-law who share a March birthday and my mother who celebrates her birthday on Easter this year. We stopped at the post office to mail a big box of library books back to Seattle. They traveled with us to Colorado a few weeks ago and now it is time for them to return home.

Breakfast was out of the question with all the running around we were doing this morning, so on our way we stopped for lunch at our favorite Durango restaurant- Kennebek's. Mike had his usual: Beef Bourgnone and I had the soup of the day- seafood (yum!!) and a salad. A wonderful start for the trip.

Tomorrow we catch a shuttle to the airport at noon. We're on the move!

With love, Deanne


Susie "K" said...

I miss you guys already!! It's so nice to have you here in Colorado. I'm going to miss our morning "check-in" and all the laughter and joy you bring to my life. Be safe out there and know that you are loved!! Happy travels! Love, Susan

MIKE said...

Thank you Sue. We miss you too. If it only cost an arm and a leg to call you everyday while we are on this trip, we would gladly give you the leg you so dearly need. But, as the the price of daily calling is our first-born child, and however you define who that is, we aren't willing to part with either Michael or Matt who are both working hard to establish careers that will sustain us in our doddering old age. So, keep in touch by blog, as you may be the only one reading it and I need to know my time writing is not for naught. Love you lots. We can't wait to see you tiptoeing in your cast when we get back. Love you lots,
Deanne and Mike (logged in as Mike but ghostwritten by Deanne)

DanaH said...
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DanaH said...

No worries, we're reading too! I'm in between library books, so I look forward to reading what you guys are up to. Thanks for the bday card. We've got a grrrrreat one for Dad:-)

