Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dancing under the Stars (and the dress code)

Just so that you don't think we only eat and sleep..... (I did read that smart a__ comment about bed sores) I will tell you about dancing under the stars. Yesterday was toga party night. You were supposed to wear a toga to dinner (as if I remembered to pack my toga or if I remembered, it would have priority in my suitcase over my spare pair of lederhosen). After dinner was a dancing party in which you could borrow a ship's toga to dance (even better, someone else's sweaty old toga). I am happy to report that even party loving Brazilians won't don a toga for a party, and all of us showed up in street clothes.

Speaking of clothes.... the Brazilians are our type of cruisers. We had our first formal night a few nights ago. Mike donned his kahkis, untucked shirt and jacket (along with his walking boots it forms the wardrobe combination we have termed his zippered pants look as opposed to the typical daily garb of athletic pants and shirts with tennis shoes that are comfortably zipper free) and I put on my one dress and we went to dinner. The women around the room were dressed to show... glitter everywhere. The men, however, were ranging from tuxes (only a couple) to suits (again only a couple) to zipper-free and everywhere in between. That made showing up for last night's "smart casual" meal in jeans much easier. We had lots of company.

After dinner we changed back into our zipper-frees and went dancing. The midnight buffet was served on the pool deck about three hours after our meal, so we took photos but didn't partake. These were my first trip photos (lazy me!) and I am going to try today to figure out how to upload them to Mike's computer- the only one we have with us for uploading to the blog.

The Brazilian dance band, playing a combination of old familiar songs and Brazilian songs that we had never heard previously was blasting away alongside the pool, so we "shake, shake, shaked our boodies" for an hour or so. Although the dance floor was crowded, we danced alongside folks we have met on the trip- Ralph and Faye from Cincinnati who we met at the Marriott in Sao Paulo, the Norwegian family that travel every year from Norway to Chile (for ten years) to visit the married child/sibling that lives there, this year traveling with a family gathering of 7. It was the first time I remember us staying up late enough to dance, but given the sleep in til 10:00, it is not out of line to stay up until midnight! We did have to sleep til 10:00 again this morning to recuperate for the late night, though. But who knows, maybe we can stay awake that late again tonight!

Love to all our adoring fans, (all three of you)
Deanne (and Mike)


Susie "K" said...

Hi-ya! Happy to hear you moved your body a bit (dancing). As we age our muscles start to freeze-up if we don't move ~ especially with all that sleep! Can't wait to hear the McCain/Palin stories! Happy reading, happy (mostly sleeping) and booggy on down!! Love ya, me

Susie "K" said...

PS - you asked (in your e-mail) how Mom was doing. She was preparing for the arrival of Lizzy, boyfriend and Alyssa for the weekend. Evidently Emily had a openning and the "gang" was coming to town and spending the night. Breakfast tomorrow with the kid-lings. So, I suspect all is well. You know how much she LOVES to write - NOT!! I know she's reading your blog though - at least she mentioned she was checking in and reading about your adventures. Happy sailing! Love you, me

Susie "K" said...
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Susie "K" said...

PSS - I deleted my comment because I saw all the typos. Yikes! Anyway, I said that both Cornell and FLC lost. It was great to watch FLC on ESPN2; just sorry they played so poorly. It was very cool to see Durango advertised on national TV. The announcers described it so nicely and the photos were so great; I expect a migration to SW Colorado any time now! Another beautiful CO day!! Paradise, for sure!! xoxo