Monday, April 5, 2010

A sparkling new Day for Switzerland

After that dark and dreary day yesterday, what a pleasure it was to wake up to a shiny and sprakly new day. It is gorgeous outside and just the right temperature. We took off from the Holiday Inn to pick up our car, a BMW hatchback model that we don't have in the US, at the airport at the appointed time and then to return to the hotel to wait until noon when Caitie is due in. It took about an hour and a half to get the car, which included taking the long way through the airport and the neighborhood to find our way back to the hotel. We rented a GPS at Caitie's recommendation to help us navigate the little one way streets of the towns but apparently this hotel is so close to the airport it was not helpful. So much for that expenditure!

Apparently the weather is good in Switzerland and we are set to have a great day. Can't wait to see our little girl!

Thanks for the appreciation note about the photos, MaryAnn. I am still working on figuring out the caption thing, but for anyone that wants to read the photos captions before I figure out how to get them on the blog you can always follow the link at the bottom of the column of photos to the Picasa website where the entire library of photos exist, including the ones that I have taken off to enable the blog to open on your computers. The Picasa site includes captions.


1 comment:

Susie "K" said...

Hi-ya! Just back from PT. Actually Big Bob picked me up at 11:00 am and we drove into Walgreens and then the DMV. Then he took me to MR HAPPY's for lunch. We endulged ourselves and had cheesburgers with sweet potato fries! Yum!! No dinner tonight. Anyway, we spoke about you guys and your travels. We're both missing you something fierce. So have fun but hurry home (to CO). Love you, me