Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Another blog entry down the drain

It is getting very frustrating.... another blog entry disappeared. This time it was because the computer shut down without saving it. Big bummer. So, I will write again, kicking and screaming that I lost what I already wrote.

We are enjoying Interlaken. This is a gorgeous town in the Alps. Mike and I spent a week here two years ago and he was excited to show it to Caitie. The weather has been perfect- sunny and sparkly and the crowds are small and easily avoided. All in all, it has been a great two days.

We are back in the routine of small Swiss breakfasts, followed by long walks (made much longer by the energy Caitie is putting in to getting her cruise-plumped parents in shape) then shower, lunch in a restaurant, another walk/shopping, picnic dinner on the twin beds in our hotel room, and an evening of talking, watching tv such as Italian game shows or BBC soap operas. Today Caitie and I walked around a park that is largely a giant hill that we climbed.

I will post the Swiss photos so you can all share the beautiful day with us. As I hear about the earthquakes (Mom felt the Mexican earthquake in Palm Springs), snow (poor Susan in Colorado) and rain in Seattle I am happy to be here enjoying a wonderful Swiss Spring day.

Love to all,

1 comment:

DanaH said...

Just saw the photos. Caitie looks lovely as ever and so happy to be with you guys.
Wow, it's so beautiful over there. Very picturesque.

All good over here. Wintry weather the last couple of days; it hailed and snowed a wee bit and it's been cold. We're both back to work/school and let's just say I'm looking forward to my Zumba classes with lots of enthusiasm.
Miss all of you and wish we could be there enjoying that gorgeous scenery.