Friday, April 2, 2010

The Ether Dog

The Ether ate yesterday's posting. It really did! As I do everyday, I log out leaving a blank blog entry form on which I write my draft the following day. Then, after it is drafted, I upload it to the blog. This saves valuable time on-line, providing cheap off-line time for writing, and using the valuable on-line time for uploads and downloads. Yesterday, I tried to upload and everything disappeared and an error message was returned to me. I was so disheartened I skipped a day. So, you aren't going to hear about our adoption by the African American gang of girls traveling together. They have invited us on future trips with them. Personally, I think they would fit right in with our family, or vice versa. They keep us laughing.

Today is our final day on board. We are sailing by Cadiz right now, in the early afternoon, so Spain is in sight. The sea, which was calm during most the crossing with a tiny rougher patch after our final stop at Madeira. After coming into the protected waters of the Mediterranean it has been very calm. The wehater is noticably cooler... today's high is 62. But, after reading that it is snowing in Colorado, the traveling gypsies are not complaining about having to wear a sweater.

Tomorrow we are taking a short tour of Barcelona, then we are being dropped off by the tour bus at the airport. We have a 3:00 PM flight tomorrow afternoon from Barcelona to Milan, then we spend the night at an airport hotel. Easter Sunday will probably be a laundry day, then on Monday we take off with Caitie to Switzerland. She is probably meeting us at our hotel on Sunday night or Monday morning. We are very excited to see her.

We expect to have cheaper internet access once we get to our hotel tomorrow night, so look for more from us then. We will tell you all about beautiful Barcelona.

Love you all,


Leanne said...

What a great way to end a wonderful cruise...spending time with Caitie! Your adventures always make me smile.

I'll call mom on SUnday. I'd love to drive down and get her a margarita, but I know what she'll say.......'no thanks honey" lol.

We're a 'freezing' 70 degress here Susie....I almost had to get out our thermal undies!

Enjoy your last day on the ship and have a GREAT time the next few days!


Susie "K" said...

Okay, enough of the 70 degree weather jokes! It's snowing again this morning and the temperature at "o-pre-dawn thirty" was a whopping 14 degrees!! Is spring/summer ever going to arrive in the Rockies? Oh well, at least it's paradise - it's just a cold paradise! Oh, I forgot to tell you guys that Big Bob and I were our "driving the roads" - and guess what we saw? We think it was a "Joey" sighting. He/She was crossing the road (J.8) and Road 35 - across from the Ball's house. He ran across and Bob shouted, "that looks like Joey" - then he was gone in a flash - into the trees. I'd like to think it was him/her; maybe just found a more reliable home with people living there year-round. He must be more "social" than we originally thought. Goes to show you that food/water isn't all that sustains us! Moral of that story.

Anyway, happy to hear you're about ready to see Caitie. That makes the end of the cruise tolerable. Since you're adopting all these kids - how 'bout adopting me too - and taking me on the next trip! Ha!

Well, back to the grind. I'll sit at my desk and watch the snow falling while dreaming of 70 degree weather!!

Love you guys! Have fun!! Hugs and Kisses, me

DanaH said...

Big hug to our little sis from Mikecito and me. You guys are going to have an even more fab time with her around.
Be sure to enjoy some of those tapas bars.
