Saturday, January 19, 2008

Awareness served up by a tiny Peruvian waitress

Tiny Peruvian waitress, Andrea served our lunch at the highly recommended restaurant, La Casita de Barrealas. I described finding this little Peruvian treasure in another blog entry, as today was our second meal at this delightful little restaurant hidden in a roadside house. Andrea, young and sweet, readily agreed to posing for a photo (I will post them shortly when they are finished downloading) at the beginning of the meal, and utilized her superior English skills and our totally inferior Spanish to take our order. As the various courses were delivered (first a shared vegetable salad followed by a shrimp curry for me and a fried shrimp meal for Mike then profiteroles for dessert) I took a photo of the food. At the end of the meal Andrea asked to see the photos. She seemed pleased and touched with the results, particularly when I offered to e-mail the photos to her. She returned to our table with a business card that included her e-mail address and asked me to send the food photos to the restaurant. I am not sure what transpired in that interaction except that I understood her to be touched by my desire to share them with her, and I was touched by her sweetness. I hugged her, and she said goodbye with her hand to her heart and a kiss to her fingertips. I walked back to the car with tears running down my face.

I am currently downloading the photos to attach to the blog and send to Andrea and her manager. I feel like something special happened in that little restaurant.

Thank you, Andrea.


Susie "K" said...

What a great story. I love it when you make a connection with someone like that. Lisa hooked up the skype phone this am and we've been trying to call Caitie for the past 4 hours. Both lines (land & cell) are busy - stating "please try again later). We finally e-mailed Caitie and asked if we have the right telephone #s but haven't heard back from her. Anyway, we'll get if figured out - even if we have to wake her up at 2:00 am!!

All is well here. Mom is meeting with the buyers today to go over how everything works. I think they're interested in closing escrow sooner - maybe before we leave on our trip - not sure though. She's been packing away like a mad-woman!

Yesterday and today we went on a great hike out behind the house. Steve and Fiona had packed out most of the trail with their snowshoes so we didn't need to post-hole too much. What fabulous days we've had - the bluest skies imaginable and lots of beautiful snow. It is absolutely spectacular!!

Just sitting here this afternoon watching the San Diego/New England play-off game. Pretty boring so far - no score!

Well, I imagine you boarded your ship today. I hope you're having a blast - next time you look at the'll see this note.

Oh, quick question. Do you recommend international pre-paid phone cards for us when we're overseas? I was thinking of buying some cards ahead of time - knowing ahead of time the location of posting the call. Your recommendations - either on the blog or e-mail me are certainly appreciated.

Well, have fun!! Keep the reports coming!! Love you lots, me

Eric said...

Thank you, Deanne, for continuing to share your stories.

Thinking of you (and at this moment, your food) and your wonderful stay in Chile, while writing from balmy Alaska.


Donna Smallwood said...

Hi fellow gringos! I haven't written before because I couldn't get on -I went round and round and finally logged Gerry on, and we are OK. Loved your experiences and photos in Chile.The landscape is so very Californian and so actually is the language!
The stock market has "bottomed" somewhat today, and boy is it a flat, low bottom. Not a great way to start off on our Journey Feb. 8. However,Your great outlook on enjoying each day and seeing the good is a wonderful example for us. I am really excited to get on our way.
I'm so glad that you plan to go to Mendosa, it is on my list also. We loved being with you for a short but dynamic time.
Much love from Auntie D and Uncle G.

WanderingGypsies said...

Thank you all for writing. It is great to see all of these comments stacked up when we finally logged on. I am going to write my new blog entry with all of the news so I will share it there. Thanks for the updates on things at home. We are having a wonderful time (still). Deanne