Monday, December 3, 2007

anniversary celebration and 'staches for prostrates

We agreed that this trip counts an entire year's worth of gifts to each other, so we are not exchanging anything on the anniversary, brithdays, Christmas, etc. Each day we are on this fantastic trip seems like a gift. Last night we went out to dinner to celebrate and our favorite restaurant, Saffrons, bought us dessert. So we ended up with gifts anyway. We had wondered into a winery at lunch and ordered wines with out lunch. The waiter forgot to bring our wines for about a half hour (no one is in a hurry around here, so it took awhile to bring it to his attention). He felt bad so he bought our drinks. And he rounded off the price of our meals (NZ$ 26 and 27 earned a round total of $50). So, we scored all around. It was our lucky day.

Now, you are probably wondering about my title. What does she mean, "staches for Prostates? New Zealand has a wonderful tradition during the month of November. Men get sponsors to pledge contributions, then they grow facial hair to collect money for prostate research and treatment. There are lots of fun ways to earn money, like company wide competitions, with prizes for the best mustache and the best fund raising. Everyone posts a photo of themselves hairless on November 1,then a progress report on the 15th, and the final on November 30. It is a big deal. The television personalities all grow hair, then they talk about each other's look all month. They make jokes about the pale people that have funny facial hair. I am at the internet cafe right now without the notes I have been making about this competition, so next column I will share some of the coments from the newspapers, etc. Stay tuned for more on 'Staches for prostates.

Over and out, but back tomorrow,

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