Sunday, September 30, 2007

Micky D's- Free internet for thirty minutes a day

For the price of a Diet Coke (amazingly they are about $5.00 US for 2 of them) we can sit in Micky D's and work for thirty minutes on free internet. So here we are, second day in a row. I spent most of my minutes on updating the photos. I should have written the blog entry off-line and posted during the thrity minutes. So, tomorrow will be longer.

It is dreary and rainy today so we are looking for the fitness club to work out. We will let you know how it turns out.

So long on a wet Sunday in Interlakken.


Ann said...

Hi Deanne - I'm so glad you guys are back in the internet world! Good to hear your progress. I'm curious about what you must be really missing after months out of your own home. Are you missing the ability to get in the car and go where ever you want whenever you want? Are you missing your pantry or fridge? Hard to come by a good ole PB&J while you are traveling. Are you missing the daily local newspaper? The EMEA EPS is this week in Cannes aren't you so glad that you are so near by and so over that? Happy trails - Ann Evers

WanderingGypsies said...

Ann- I just read this out loud to Mike and his instant response is that he doesn't miss PB&J's or the newspaper at all. I am the PB&J person in our house and I do miss them once in awhile. I don't miss the car, but Mike does. Neither of us miss work at all, although I had lots of friends (like you) at work that I miss. We don't miss all of the things you spend your time doing when you are maintaining a house; like doing dishes, cleaning, laundry. Mike missed sports on TV terribly. He is sick of soccer and is sorely in need of a football game. We miss our houseboat view (although not enough to come back early). Mostly we miss our family. We talk to them once in awhile and get e-mails from some of them (hint, hint)but it is hard not being able to pick up the phone and connect with the kids, my mother, sister, etc. And we miss our friends. It is great that you are keeping up with us though. It makes us feel like we are connected to you.